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Independence Day at the Bay

Does anything say "Summer is Here" like the 4th of July? Especially when it is 95+ degrees outside.

Every year, Volunteer Bay has a parade. The Vermilion Township Fire Department, The Sheriff, State Troopers and Veterans all come out to lead the parade. Residents line up in their golf carts, roadsters, bikes, wagons, and some just use their feet. It's always quite the site to see all these people marching down our 3 little streets. The parade ends at the clubhouse where hot dogs, drinks, and the best views are offered. Thanks to everyone that works so hard to put this all together.

Kayla and Rylee were selected this year to ride in the Sheriff & State Trooper's cars to pass out candy

Sydney, Emily, Olivia and Ella had the privilege of carrying the sign

The giant inflatable slide is always a hit. We did have an injury though so maybe this will be the last year we will have to drag this out.

Dad! Dad! Dad! Dad! Hudson was very concerned with his dad seeing him go down the slide. Every time. 100 times in a row.

It was 95+ degrees out. Primping was necessary.

Ella was the champion of the donut eating contest

I'm surprised none of the spectators got hit

Spoke to soon

It was so hot that even playing with a yo-yo was almost unbearable

These girls and boy were not messing around during this shaving cream fight

I think Hudson thought the shaving cream was shampoo. He kept shampooing it in his hair.

Glitter after shaving cream. Who thought that was a good idea?

Even the Catty Shack had to get all dressed up for her first 4th of July. Don't worry, I added two more buntings before the parade but I forgot to take a picture.

The Fourth of July has always been one of my favorite holidays, but never more so than we started coming up to Volunteer Bay. Being by the lake, cooking out, spending time with friends and family, and just having fun is everything a summer holiday should be. Happy Birthday America!

Cheers, Alyssa

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